40 Amazing Inspirational and Positive Sobriety Quotes

40 Amazing Inspirational and Positive Sobriety Quotes

Staying sober can definitely be hard, and I have certainly had my moments. But the life that sobriety has given to me feels like a much better, richer life than the one I had before I stopped drinking. If you haven’t read about my rock-bottom story, you can find it here.

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They provide motivation and inspiration to carry on when things get tough. It affects people from all classes and all walks of life. Many celebrities, like Demi Lovato and Russell Brand, were functioning addicts. Check out some of the more popular addiction recovery sayings by celebrities below.

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Each of our treatment programmes and detoxes are intricately tailored to each of our guests specific treatment needs and conducted within luxurious surroundings. To help you stay motivated on your road to recovery, we rounded up some inspirational quotes to remind you that you’re not alone in your struggles and that you’ve got this. Numerous amazing Sober House drug addiction support quotes by anonymous people inspired others to maintain their dedication to sobriety. Although your past behaviors shape who you are, it does not define who you will be. This is determined by your actions and behavior, not your past addiction. What you did in the past does not decide who you will be in the future.

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  • The person you are at the start of addiction treatment is completely different from the person you’ll become after ten years of sobriety—but it’s still YOU who will make that transformation happen.
  • My first five years of drinking alcohol were incredibly fun, and the last five years were rough.
  • However, these 101 Sobriety Quotes may be able to help.
  • One of my favorite ways to keep myself inspired is by writing motivational recovery quotes in my sober journal.
  • Incorporating inspiring quotes into your recovery journey can provide motivation, perspective, and a sense of community.

The journey of these celebrities are often inspiration for those in recovery. This article has been one of the all-time favorites https://missouridigest.com/top-5-advantages-of-staying-in-a-sober-living-house/ of readers because it spreads hope for a better tomorrow. I have updated the quotes through the years as well.

Embrace self-care in recovery:

Plenty of recent studies have shown that gratitude is important for all human beings, no matter their individual challenges. For people in recovery, gratitude is even more important, and sometimes, less easy to come by. But if you make an effort, you can find many things to be grateful for in your recovery, in your life, and in yourself. Making the effort to identify, acknowledge, and value these things is essential to your current and future happiness.

sobriety sayings

  • And even if you decide not to be sober at some point, I bet some of these quotes will stay with you for the rest of your life.
  • This is another one of those inspirational sobriety quotes that hits me so, so hard.
  • Take a moment to read these sobriety quotes, reflect on their meaning, and share them with someone close to you.
  • Get up to speed on research-based tools that can help you motivate your child to change.

The assumption that sobriety means giving up all fun activities and socializing is a common myth that has led many to avoid quitting substances. Sobriety means living a healthy and fulfilling life free of addictive substances. Next, find more inspirational quotes for every occasion.

sobriety sayings

  • We offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs at rehab centers nationwide.
  • These programs offer a comprehensive approach to recovery, including therapy, medical supervision, group support, and skill-building activities.
  • One huge thing I’ve noticed about sobriety is that I am able to show up more for my friends and family.
  • If you’re still on the fence about whether you have an addiction or not, complete a self-assessment quiz.
  • It’s helpful to lean on others who have been through the same journey.

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